Last night I played at the Hyatt SWIM bar all by myself for the first time ever! I’ve played a few songs solo here and there, but never did I ever do a whole gig by myself. I think all in all the gig went good but there were a few things I need to work on and that’s the exact reason I wanted to do the solo thing last night. I learned a lot about myself while I sat there alone playing old and new songs. First…playing solo is A LOT harder than playing with a band!!! Now that I know that for sure, I can get to practicing and getting used to the sound of me.
It was good to see some good friends and family down at the SWIM bar last night and I want to say thank you to everyone who came down to support. I brought my new CD to sell too so thanks to everyone that bought one! It releases officially on September 4th but I’ll be selling it at live gigs until it releases. It’s also at the Iolani on Kona St store too!
These next few days I’m going to be getting ready for my trip to Japan and my Thumbs Up concert as well as performing with ManoaDNA over the weekend. I’m so excited to play at Thumbs Up in Yokohama but I’m also nervous because playing solo is still new to me. I hope everyone enjoys the new ALX CD and Tshirts I’ll have!
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